Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Ways to Improve User Experience That Can Boost Ranking Prospects

The purpose of any website is to create viewer engagement which means that viewers should find the website interesting enough in both design and content. Websites that are uninteresting to viewers would fail to keep them engaged, and this weakens the prospects of the business. If users need to keep clicking and scrolling websites continuously during navigation, it results in poor user experience that can drive them away. Therefore, for the success of websites, you just cannot afford to ignore user experience. The more user-friendly any website is, the better is the user experience and consequently, such websites perform better. User-friendly websites attract more visitors and gain mileage in Vision Smash SEO ranking.

User experience can impact website performance in many ways that you will understand better on going through this article.

Page ranking algorithms are changing

Although it is not clear how the algorithms work in determining page rank, some signs and signals provide some hints about it. By using such hints, one can make out that two clearly identified factors influence page ranking. One factor is the relevance of the content with respect to search queries by matching keywords in searches and content. Another factor is the inventory of backlinks that indicates the authority of websites.  While these are still important, in addition, the time spent on website and page layout that underline user-friendliness now influence rankings.

Ease of navigation

The time spent on the website has a direct relation to how happy users feel when they browse the website which in turn depends on how comfortable they can move across the website with ease. Smooth navigation is a sign of user-friendliness of websites and counts a lot in encouraging visitors to spend more time on websites. Since viewer engagement influences ranking, user- experience becomes an important factor.

Website structure and layout

The website design that also includes the layout of content determines how much friendly the website would appear to users. Having an attractive design means that it directs the attention of viewers to the right places and there are fewer or no distractive design elements. From the choice of text to its size and color and going up to the way the content layout is presented everything matters a lot because it impacts user experience. The content must be easily readable with prominent paragraphs and subheadings so that viewers can scan through it speedily. The page should have a call to action that direct users to take some positive action.

Judge the level of user-friendliness

Depending on the feedback of users about their experience with the website is one way of knowing how much user-friendly it is, although the method is subjective. Asking users to respond to a questionnaire can help to gather good information about how they feel about the website so that you can identify the areas of improvement.

Another way of improving user experience is to implement some improvement in website features and then test how it turns out by slipping into the shoes of users.

Umar Bajwa
Umar Bajwa
Umar Bajwa is a digital marketer by profession and a blogger by passion. He thrives on staying updated on topics related to the Business, Finance and HR realm.
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