Sunday, October 27, 2024

How To Build And Use Landing Page For Your Business

When you take your business online, you will need to pay special attention towards the landing pages. Your landing page can be considered as the touchpoint, which you can use in order to transform your visitors into customers. If you don’t have a landing page, you will be missing out a large volume of customers.

How to Create a Landing Page?

The process of creating a landing page is easy and any person will be able to do it. You don’t need to be equipped with any special knowledge or skills in order to create landing pages, many Plugins are available. There are online tools, which can help you to get the job done and you just need to take a look at those tools.

The landing page builders usually come along with a large number of templates. All you have to do is to go through those templates and select an appropriate one. Then you can configure the settings along with links. Next, you will be able to add custom scripts and tracking details. Then you can publish the landing page. The process is simple as that and it doesn’t involve a lot of technical expertise.

How to Use the Landing Pages?

After you get your landing pages created, you should have a clear understanding of how to use them. One of the main objectives of having a landing page is to increase the number of subscribers you have. When you are marketing the products, you can include a link to the landing page. Then people will come to the landing pages and become subscribers to you.

It is also possible for you to use the landing pages in order to gather information related to the target audience. There are instances where you need to tailor your products according to target audiences. That’s where the feedback provided by landing pages would come into play. You can learn a lot about your consumers and how they can bring more value to your business via the landing pages.

You can also integrate the landing page along with Google AdWords in order to take your efforts to the next level. As an advertiser using Google AdWords, your goal is that when someone types a keyword relating to your product or services as a search on Google, your ads will be displayed. The visitor gets taken to your site where they will hopefully sign up for more information or make a purchase.

Google AdWords are instant, measurable, affordable and controllable. There really is no other advertising medium which gives you the same results. However, set AdWords up in the wrong way and you will spend cash for poor results and you will end up disappointed.

The following describes the biggest problem we see with most Google AdWords campaigns and what you can do to fix it:

Poorly Constructed Webpage/Landing Page: This may seem as though it is unrelated to AdWords, but in fact, this is the cornerstone of every good AdWords campaign. Think about it, what is the point in paying to send traffic to a website which is not compelling and does not generate sales or leads? You might as well take a pile of cash and set light to it.

Several issues to bear in mind when looking at your website/landing page: Does your site offer something that your target market actually needs or wants? Have you researched your market? Have you made sales already from your site? If not, you should put yourself in your customer’s shoes and really critique your offering. Does your site/landing page relate to the keywords/ads that sent the visitor to the page otherwise the visitor will hit the back button result, wasted click! Does it include a headline? You have a fraction of a second to capture the visitor’s attention the headline needs to hit visitor’s hot buttons, be relevant and related to the search they performed. Is the site well designed, look professional and easy to navigate?

Otherwise, that back button will be used again! Does the site include useful, relevant information that helps the visitor make a decision about the product or service you are offering? Are there multiple ways for the visitor to interact with you? Do you just offer a phone number and email? Are you collecting leads if the prospects don’t purchase right away? If you are not offering multiple methods for a prospect to interact with you, you have no idea whether your site is of interest and no method of performing follow-up marketing. Are conversions set up with your website to capture statistics in AdWords relating to sales and leads? If not, you are flying blind with your campaigns you receive leads/sales but you have no idea which ads/keywords generated the action.

What to Choose

While creating the landing page, you must take a look at the creation of the under construction page as well. Otherwise, you will miss that out, which is not the best user experience. Just like landing page creators, there are tools, which can assist you to get your under construction page built with minimum hassle. UnderConstructionPage plugin for WordPress can be considered as a perfect example to prove the above-mentioned fact.

The UnderConstructionPage plugin comes along with few impressive features. They include a drag and drop page builder, improved access control, import and export settings, Zapier and MailChimp support, custom links along with custom expire rules, newsletter module, Unsplash API integration and countdown timer. As you can see, all features that you need to have in order to come up with a fully functional under construction page are provided by this widget. Due to this reason, you will be able to go ahead and use it with peace of mind.

Along with that, you can also keep on using your landing pages. Then you can notice how your business is improving on a daily basis.

Tweak Biz
Tweak Biz
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