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Top Three Questions You Can Expect in a Healthcare Interview

Healthcare Interview

Healthcare interviews are mostly aimed to understand three qualities of an applicant – knowledge, personality and career objective. Your job as an interviewee is to show that your profile ticks all the three check boxes perfectly. And if you are unsure on how to handle interview questions, then read on.


These questions are designed to test whether you have the requisite knowledge and skills for the position you have applied for. Remember to keep your answers to the point. Avoid giving elongated, complex answers since this is something the interviewer might see as an indication of your inability to think in a simple, direct manner. The way you perform on these set of questions will be a guide to judging whether you’re a qualified and knowledgeable applicant. And that is the exact sort of impression you must try to create.


Such questions are aimed at analyzing whether you have the personality to fulfill the responsibility the job entails. For example, if you are applying for the post of a manager of a healthcare company, the interviewer may ask questions like, “Tell us what was the most difficult decision you have made in the previous job?” Every answer you give to such questions should make them feel that you are the best person to manage their company.

Remember to never talk highly of yourself in such situations. It can be easy to get carried away when describing how you managed to solve big problems at your previous company. Instead, speak of the events in a neutral manner, and focus on how everyone else in the company contributed to helping you solve the issue. This will show the interviewers that you are a person who can appreciate the contribution of team members and not someone who is immersed in their own pride.


Career focused questions are used to judge how much of a visionary you are. An example of such a question will be – “Where do you see yourself in three years?” At Principal People, we tend to see that most interviewees are unable to take full advantage of these questions. And, we have a simple advice – give an answer that reflects benefits for both you and the company.

So, instead of answering that you will be the manager of the company, answer that you aim to win the “Best Healthcare Service Provider” (or something similar) for the company in the capacity of a manager. While the first answer only focuses on you benefiting from the company, the second answer reveals to the interviewer that you plan to take the company to greater heights. And, this is an attitude that interviewers totally appreciate.

Keep in mind the above tips when preparing for the interview and you should have no problem in passing it successfully. Just remember to be humble, but firm in your convictions when you speak.

How to Create a Business Plan like A Pro

How to create a business plan

A Business Plan is simply explained as the blueprint of every feature of a new business organization. It is composed of your financial plan and marketing strategy. Creating a Business Plan like a pro would aid your venture. A Pro-business plan is a reference source that guides you through, with the right focus on your main goal. This business plan is the foundation upon which the future of your business is built; “if you fail to plan you plan to fail.” Why not follow the following steps and create your business plan like a pro!


You can’t just jump into making a business plan like every other business organization. You are unique, and the strategies that work for others might not suit your business perfectly well. In this case, it is important to evaluate your career and professional standings. What do you desire in this business of yours? What do you see in the nearest future? How can I manage my business within this period? There is a need for you to critically assess yourself.

How to create a business plan-Lets begin!

Executive Summary

The executive summary is professionally written at the beginning of a business plan; usually on the front page. It briefly summarizes the business goals and objective. Often the history of the business is sometimes stated. This communicates the best impression of your business to everyone that reads through your business plan. Therefore it must be well written.

Marketing Plan

Marketing plan comes through business ideas. Here opportunities come from various ways, as you see through to opportunities when others see problems. Marketing plan involves setting the business’s goals and standards to ensure you reach your final destination professionally. Through this marketing plan, how can you create a business plan?


Your main goal depends on the most outlandish career you aspire for your business organization; after which you attach every other smaller goal. Remember this plan covers every aspect, both the building layouts and your staffs.


Implement your strategies; this focuses on the estimate of your growth rate, market size and how you’ve segmented it to suit your customer satisfaction finally.


Financing; this is the sole implement to all the monetary aspect of your business. Therefore it should be sufficient for the set goals and objectives.

You need to set a realistic deadline for each step stated above.

Research and development

As change is constant following the craze of the world with its trend, a business organization shouldn’t be left out. Get involve with Survey, explore and do research for the development of your goals and objectives. This is another strong aspect on how to create a business plan.

Execute and Monitor

Always implement the listed procedures and keep track of everything. Be careful not to include Negotiations for your investment in your business plan. This is the perfect way to create a business plan like a pro! Get Started.

Best Business Ideas with Low Investment and High Profit

business ideas with low investment and high profit

From history, it has not been possible for anyone to create a great deal of wealth using the low investment for the high profit in business. Those are bygone now as “the Internet” has abruptly made business ideas with low investment and high profit easy to access.

The internet does benefit you!

The internet is the perfect business ideas with low investment and high profit as it offers true globalization to the marketplace. People from the other end of the world get to know about your product and services. This will extend your market, having spent less on overhead cost.

Foremost, your starting point is to know your targeted audience, find out their needs and develop those needs into products. Concurrently, many ideas can pop up to be a successful business idea which requires low investment.The secret recipe for success in business involves determination and persistence with optimum utilization of the internet to meet human needs at every given time, which makes the best business idea with low investment and high profit.

Our world is overwhelmed with opportunities and possibilities that sometimes, it difficult for us to make a perfect decision in business. It is also impossible for anyone to have the full facts of a situation, understand exactly what is going on at any given point in time or even predict the outcome of any action taken without the use of the internet; this is the best business idea with low investment and high profit.

Analysis and Survey!

There is a great need to survey the market and see the business you are about to embark on as an entrepreneur. This is followed by “Analysis,” which is interpreted into two broad philosophies in the world of stock market investment. These analyses are to be viewed and implemented critically, following a systematic procedure with the application of critical thinking to acquire properly analyzed data.

The first is called “fundamental analysis” while the second is “technical analysis.” Fundamental analysis is utilized to find the inviolable companies in a particular aspect while Technical analysis is used to find the general trend of the market with the particular time to start up the business.

Launch Your Business

Among all the small investment business ideas available, launching an Internet business is by a considerable margin, the best option. It has proven to be highly profitable for businesses all over the world as it is also a cheap way to get started.

Having gotten sound information through your analysis, make a good business plan then establish your business operations on an online platform. This gives you the advantage of being able to keep your operating costs very low and active. Aside from being the low cost, you spend less to keep running your business. The thought of store rent costs or an even staff cost is nothing to think of at all.

Hire a ghost writer to help cover those topics on your market scheme. Learn more about your business and keep up with the current market trend. Your business is guaranteed success with the best business idea with low investment and high profit!


How to Start a Successful Business in 2017

how to start a successful business

In order to learn how to start a successful business, you need to understand that this is a game of moving pieces; some are more exciting, while some are the bitter pills to swallow. Brainstorming the names and slogans for your business can be real fun, but filing taxes? Not so much. If you want your business to succeed and reach its full potential, make sure that you meticulously plan everything and prioritize your activities and strategies in order to stay true to the status of every moving part all while performing efficiently and effectively.

Here is the brief overview, telling how to start a successful business in this time of competition.

Legalize Your Business

First and foremost, you have to go through all the paperwork and legal activities to register your business with the government. This includes activities like nailing down the official name of your business, shaping the legal structure of your company, getting a tax code and the license of your business. Moreover, your business has to be regulated on local, state and the federal level, so make sure that the registration is covered on all levels or your business will not be considered a legal organization.

Manage the Taxes

You as a business owner have to pay the federal taxes that depend on the type of business entity you establish. Some of the obligatory taxes include self-employment tax, excise taxes, federal income tax withholding, and social security taxes etc.

Prepare the Marketing Strategy

Once your business is legally registered and the paperwork has squared away, you should invest your efforts, time, and money in acquiring the customers. In modern times, the essential thing is to build an online presence and market your business on the social media platforms. Recognize your target audience, build the brand identity, and start generating the organic leads. For marketing, you can outsource and take services of the experienced advertisers to help with expanding your brand awareness.

Begin Selling Your Services or Products

After that, you need to sort out your sales process and start selling. First you should set up the infrastructure of your sales and then identify your sales goals. Figure out the answers to the questions about the required review and the number of products you need to produce and sell in order to hit the target. You can also hire a sales rep so that your business has someone dedicated to considering the customer requirements and fulfilling them. Try to get more out of your sales activities.

Finance Your Business

Financing your operation and growth is a fundamental factor in leading the business towards success. You can either finance it entirely on your own or with bootstrapping – getting funds from your family and friends, which can be a financial risk if things go wrong. You can go for the external start-up capital as well. Seed financing is a method to raise funds if you’re looking for a comparatively small amount of money. Other than this, you can try accelerators that are competitive programs in which you have to compete against other new businesses in a pitch event. There are small business loans that can achieve from a bank, some lending institution or a community development organization. You can also go for crowd funding and venture capital funding as well.


These are the basic steps regarding how to start a successful business from paperwork to actually begin selling the products. Now that we’ve given you the idea and told you the process, the rest is up to you.
Good Luck Building Your Startup!

Employee Retention Strategies for Small Business

Employee Retention Strategies

Employee Retention Strategies are essential for every business, as they affect the reputation of the company along with influencing the workspace. If any of the skilled employee members resigns out of the blue, he/she leaves you to consider two major issues in this situation. First, you have to find equal, if not better, replacement for a talented member and secondly, when one competent team member leaves the company, the rest of the employees take this effect and think about following suit. Therefore, you need to develop the employee retention strategies, which are even more important for small businesses as they cannot afford to lose their best employees, nor do they want to ruin the reputation they’ve built with hard work.

Provide Your Employees With Their Desired Metrics

When you fulfill the desires of your employees by appreciating them and show them the results of their efforts, you make them believe that their talents are being used to increase the potential of the business. They develop the sense of belonging and consider your business, their business. When employees of small companies begin to think this, they try to work harder as this becomes a source on which they can rest their pride on.

Create Balance Between Professional and Personal Life

Even if your business is a startup, you cannot expect your employees to be robots. Try to create a healthy balance between their personal life and professional routine so that they can give your business their maximum and also do not plot any ill-will against you or the company. Moreover, you also have to help the hardwired employees realize that they’re over-working, so to get them enough time to recharge their work batteries.

Give Your Employees Opportunities to Move Forward

Providing the training courses solely for the success of business is only going to profit the company, while employees may need more than that. Do not only focus on the current role of employees as you should give them the mentoring programs and cross-training as well. Maintaining momentum is not the gist of the business, employees need the opportunities to get advanced and earn more skills, you should help them in gaining whatever is needed to move up.

Work on Your Management

According to surveys, most of the employees leave the job because of the unfair attitude of managers. The satisfaction of the employees towards their jobs is directly related to the impression of the management; it should neither be ineffective nor overtly hostile. Therefore, whenever you recruit a manager and explain the technical details of the position, make sure that you discuss the proper behavior with employees too; this is for your better interest.

Encourage Creativity and Innovativeness

The businesses usually put in their company description that they appreciate creativity, but there aren’t necessarily any policies to support it. If you want to create an innovative environment, value the employees’ suggestions and recognize those who tangibly contribute. Furthermore, you can also set up the innovation teams and hire a variety of people.


So there you have it. These are the most realistic employee retention strategies for you business. Start with working on only one strategy for some time and then proceed forward until you are ready for next strategy.

Top 6 Options for Small Business Startup Loans

small business startup loans

The startups do not usually have funding sources, especially if they are small businesses. They only have to rely on the jumble of financing tools to raise money, like taking loans from friends and family. However, we have some suggestions for the people searching for small business loans in low-interest rates. These small business startup loans have flexible lending criteria and have the quick turnaround with transparent conditions.

Lending Club

It is a peer to peer lending, which means that it connects you directly with multiple investors who work by funding the small chunks of the loan portfolio that may be diverse. There are some conditions, for example, you need to open the business 2 years prior to asking for the loans and have the annual revenue of at least $75,000. If you own a relatively established business and want to have loans on flexible repayment terms, then this may be the best option for you.

Funding Circle

It is another funding behemoth and only loans the small businesses. The annual revenue required for this company is more than $150,000 with 2 years of experience in the business. It is also suitable for the established businesses that want to keep the fees minimal. If your business is doing well, then you do not have to look elsewhere as Funding Circle has got you with its small business startup loans.


It is a direct lender and can give you the loan of $500,000, but it is a rather shorter term and comes with a high-interest rate. It has the least paperwork, which means you do not have to wait long for getting the loan. It offers a loan called Term Loans that is directed towards the small accounts and dedicated to the small business start-ups. It is perfect for the businesses that need immediate funds and can also pay back in short amount of time.


The platform provides you the loan up to $150,000 with the short repayment term of six months. The application methods are very convenient as all you need to have is a PayPal account or any business checking account. However, the APR is really high as it reaches 90%. It is considered an efficient option among small business startup loans as it doesn’t have any strict requirements and provides money in very short time.

Other than these options, there are other lenders that can also get you the small business loan for your startup. Here are some of the places you can consider while deciding about taking the loans.


The conventional banks can provide you large sums of loans at low-interest rates. Moreover, they also offer you the longer repayment terms. The problem is that the loans provided by the banks need whole lot collateral and are also very hard to secure.

Credit Unions

These unions also offer the small business startup loans and approve the fund applications while doubling the bank rates. However, as the matter of fact that the credit unions are non-profit organizations with less overhead, the rates can be lower sometimes.

10 Social Media Mistakes that are Killing Your Business Plan

social media mistakes

A professional business plan is a statement which contains background information on business goals about an organization or a team attempting to reach these goals. The construction of a professional business plan is vital for a business to succeed. Social media is the ideal advertising platform for businesses, but if not used properly it could do more damage to the business than good. Below are 10 social media mistakes that might kill your small business plan.

1. Not Having a Proper Marketing Strategy

When planning for business marketing a solid strategy must be made in advance, this not only enables you to see if your efforts are working but also helps you determine your business goals a professional business plan must contain a marketing strategy which includes social media but not be exclusive to it. Social media should be just one platform on your overall business plan with an ultimate goal of constant and consistent social media presence.

2. Not Having a Consistent Brand

Visually, the brand has to be kept consistent across various marketing websites and applications. The logo, the brand message and colors have to be in harmony between a Facebook page and a twitter or a website page, the indication of them being related to one another has to be kept. It is important that you present the same message across different social media platforms. Brand recognition is also very important, be sure to give a clear understanding of the business and its values when creating the advertisement, make sure that you do not post things that may cause contradictions to take place or give an incorrect opinion of your business.

3. Not Clearly Defining Your Target Client Profile

A professional business plan must have a clear vision of who you want to attract as your clients, knowing your target market allows you to optimize your posts and gain the attention of the people who are willing to do business with you. This prevents you from posting uninteresting posts causing your followers to leave as a result.

4. Stealing Content Without Crediting

Never post stolen content from other websites, not only that this can be embarrassing if caught, but not giving the proper credit, or asking for proper permission can also cause many legal difficulties; there are situations where businesses have been sued for copyright infringement and video theft.

5. Inappropriately Responding to Any Negative Feedback

Negative feedback is due to happen at some point, you can choose to take it in stride, ignore it or fight it, however, the way you respond in will have an ultimate effect on your business, and be it good or bad. Most of the times complaints coming from customers are due to frustrations with your product, rather than ignoring these complaints, listen to them and use them as an opportunity to improve. Respond thoughtfully to showcase your commitment to the customer, this can help you make great long term customers. While having a preformed response for the most commonly asked questions can save you time use them with caution, criticism, and negative feedback should be generally met with personalized and thoughtful messages.

6. Not Spending Ad Money Wisely

Social media is an affordable advertising platform open to all but most small businesses are doing wrong on social media is blindly spending money in an attempt to grow is a grave mistake. For example: just because Facebook marketing can be cheap, this does not mean you should spend all your money on Facebook ads. A professional business plan is a key, lay the ground work before spending money on social media adverts, understand your audience and your goals, and your ad content, choose the platform which appeals the best for your audience and importantly track the results of your advertisements.

7. Spreading Yourself  Too Thin

Committing to too many networks is not an effective idea if you can keep up then very good, but if not this can cause you to spend your valuable resources and time in vain. Choose the top three, top five sites that best match your client base and fully commit. Form a regular posting schedule on these few sites, having a few fully committed sites is much better than letting many sites lie dormant and ineffective.

8. Boring Content

Your content has to be interesting for your audience to stick around, for example, if you post the same type of content over and over again this shows your followers that you simply do not care about posting engaging content, creativity is key. Change things up, have a wide variety of content.

9. Over Posting

With twitter, yes you can post a lot of tweets a day, but this may not work on other social media platforms. Posting too much can be annoying to your followers; this is a quick way to lose them. The best way is to use a regular posting schedule and stick to it, do not overload your audience with content.

10. Not Responding

If your followers stop by and comment on your posts always take the time to get back to them, if you do not they will stop commenting and become less engaged with you, this is the first step to losing followers. Start building a community.
Social media requires you to interact with people, also use your time and resources wisely and reply to followers and fans in a professional and thoughtful manner.

5 Guidelines to Create a Great Employee Improvement Plan

employee improvement

If a company wishes for its employees to be efficient and productive, then it has to work hard on creating an employee improvement plan that can assist them in improving their skills. It is also essential for letting them know about the direction, which they must take in order to be successful. This is a roadmap that is the basis for succeeding in the business and making a positive impact in the market. These plans are especially useful in improving the performances of the employees, assisting them in learning the skills and working with them in an efficient way, being productive and preventing from any termination or demotion in the future based on their work. This is the reason why we have compiled a list of 5 guidelines to create a great employee improvement plan.

Begin with Your Business Expectations and Goals

Before going any further, begin analyzing the expectations you have regarding your business and the goals. If you are not aware of them yourself, you can’t expect your employee to be aware of them either. Enlist all the important objectives and begin documenting them in a clear pattern. Provide the documentation to your employees, so they can learn what they are expected to do from that moment on.

Discuss with Your Employees

You never know what your employee’s goals are or what his view for success is unless you talk to him directly. That is why; it is always recommended to have a discussion with your employees and ask about their point of view regarding the success of the business and how they can serve for it. That way, you will be able to understand employees on a personal level, which is very important for any successful firm.

Plan about the Skills

After gathering all the required information, the next step is to plan the skills that are needed for the business’ success. Now that you are aware of the employees’ strengths and weaknesses, you can plan the skills needed according to their abilities. This way, they will be able to work efficiently and the business productivity will increase.

Create an Action Plan

When all the objectives are clear for the company and employees, it’s time to get the work done! You can provide developmental program opportunities for the employees, which will allow them to learn about the business in a better way. These include reading, training, working directly with the subject matters, monitoring, and visiting the institutions that are designed for specific development opportunities. This is helpful in keeping the employees motivated so they can continue pursuing their goals.

Always Add Something New in the Company

Don’t stick with the same objectives and skills for years. Add something new more often, so the employees have something new to learn, for which they look forward to. The new knowledge is not only useful for the employees but also for the firm! Never forget that!